Tuesday, June 13, 2006

So I talked to my boss.

Bad news: They want producing experience. And not some little college show (although it was live) they want real, tv station out to thousands of people experience. And I said cool, I wasn't really expecting to get it anyway.

Good news: He says they're thinking about reshaping the criteria for the position, and "all hope is not dead." (His words, not mine). So, we'll see in a couple of weeks where that leads.

BUT in other news:

So there's a couple of reporting positions open at a station, that I have sent a tape to EVERY time they had a position open, and now the criteria has changed a little bit. So I emailed my friend who used to work, there. I couldn't remember the ND's name, so I go look it up, and surprise, surprise; there's a new ND. AND not only that...it's someone that I have come in contact with before.

This person offered me an internship at one of the stations they used to work at, without even seeing me, just based on my resume. I kinda hesitated when they offered, and they were kinda like "well do you want it or not." Kinda in a rude tone, but Idk if I read a little too into it. So I accepted it. And then a couple of weeks later, I was offered another internship, a PAID one (ya'll know that NEVER happens in broadcast), in my hometown. But I mainly took the paid one because 1) I already had a place to live and 2) I could keep working at the job I had at the time. The paycheck wasn't really an issue, but it helped. So when I told the other person, they were kinda like "okay, fine" (and I don't remember if they said Okay fine whatever, but it almost seem like that was the next word). But Idk if they felt slighted, or disappointed, or upset b/c I accepted an internship in the big market.

So now I'm slightly worried that they might remember me, and throw my tape in the trash, or if they would actually talk to me. I'll be passing by the station soon, so I'm hoping that I can get a chance to take my tape down there and talk to them.

But anywho, I need to go read these 553 emails I have in my inbox.

Ciao peeps!!!

1 comment:

Sherlon Christie said...

Stay positive...getting an on-air job in television is the hardest hustle in journalism...don't let it break you....