Wednesday, December 20, 2006

First day jitters

So last night, well no, Monday night was my first day on the job. I went to sleep around 2:30, and pretty much woke up every hour on the hour, till 8:30. I couldn't take it any longer and just decided to stay up at that time. So I wanted to look nice, so I put on makeup and everything, I ended up being about 4 minutes late, but I pulled in right after the outgoing producer anyway so it was cool. She's very nice, and a very good teacher. (Tonight she had me do my own dummy show and she said she was impressed that I finished it, and it was written so well.)

Back to the first day. Sunday night I bought some cans of Red Bull, b/c I just knew I wouldn't be able to stay up. Well I forgot to take one with me to work Monday night, so around midnight I had a headache, and that went away once I had lunch. Around 4 a.m. my eyes started crossing by themselves, I was so tired. And by 6 a.m. I wanted to just fall out on the floor. But I made it through, and made it home safely. But I fell asleep in an hour, despite my best efforts to stay up and then fall asleep so I would wake up when I needed to.

But this seems a little bit easier than I thought it would. I was worried for no reason. I'll keep you posted on whatever else goes on in my little producer world. I'll have plenty of time.

Oh, and of course, my first week as a real news producer, my boss/news director is going to be anchoring my show. So yay for me, not only will he be there to witness it and to critique, but he'll be a part of the whole thing.

Till next time


Moving Day

So, moving day was Friday the 15th. Didn't get much sleep the night before b/c I was excited, and packing. But I didn't really have a slow start. Again, I was excited, this being my real first apartment, and my real first time being on my own, so it only took me 5 minutes to get out of bed.

I go with my mother to pick up her paycheck at her new job, then the U-Haul place. And I mean, they just let anybody rent out U-Hauls. I can't remember the last time (or if there ever was a time) that I went into a business, and the salesman was smoking. It's a good thing I don't have asthma or I would've had a really bad time in that place. But I got my brand new truck (according to Dave, it's brand new b/c it only had 10,000 miles) and went home to fill it up with my belongings. I originally wanted to get a 10', thinking that that would be more than enough for my stuff, but actually the 14' was filled practically to the brim.

So the drive up here was interesting. It was my first time driving a big truck, and then not really knowing where I was going the 2 previous times I had been up here, didn't help either. But we made it (I absolutely LOVE Google Earth and its directions, right on the money!!!! I highly recommend using Google, for directions, it is so choice! Remember that?)

Anywho, oh, on the way up there, about an hour away actually, the leasing agent calls me and asks where I am. And I'm like 'oh I'm about an hour away,' and she's like 'ohhhhhhhhh great. I don't know how to tell you this, but the apartment I had you down for isn't ready, it's actually 123 that's ready, not 321. Did you wanna go ahead and move into 123? It's really nice, it's upstairs, I can show it to you." And I'm thinking 'ummmmm no, I already had the electricity turned on, and I wanted a downstairs apartment.' So I ask her how long it would take to have the apartment I was originally told I would get ready, and she put me on hold for a while, and said to give them until 5. So it was 2 at the time, we still had an hour to go, and I had other stuff to do once I got there anyway, so I said I could live with that.

So we get there, park the U-Haul, and the housekeeper tells us they just shampooed the carpet, and to give it about an hour to dry. No problem, we go and get my washer and dryer, drive around town for a little bit, and come back about an hour later, b/c it's about to get dark, and we're not trying to move in the dark. So it took about 2 1/2 hours to finish packing and loading the truck, it took 45 minutes to unload, b/c we were tired and wanted to get it over with. And we ended up taking the U-Haul back that night, even though I had it till Sunday.

So my first night in my apartment was okay. My mom took me to get groceries, and shelf lining material, and some blackout curtains for my windows, since I'll be working at night, and sleeping during the day. And they really do help. And for the most part, at least for now, it's pretty quiet there. we'll see in a few months though. But I still have a lot of unpacking to do, and some more decorating to do. Will have another update soon.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Chapter 4

So I guess this is chapter 4 of my life. Today is my last day at the job I've had for a little over 2 years. I'm moving on in my career, not exactly where I wanted to be (or at least what I wanted to do), but I'm going to make the most of it and do the best I can.

I love my co-workers (well former as of 10:34:20 tonight). They brought in a cake, and gave me a card, and had so many well wishes. And I had to make a speech on the spot. But I'm really going to miss them. I'm going to miss this station, this town. But I feel like I won't really be away and out on my own b/c I'll try to come home every weekend. But we'll see how things turn out.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Good ol' days

Remember the days when you had tons of friends, no problems and the only time someone gotg mad at you it was something trivial and then you were friends again by 6th period? I miss those days.

Some of my good friends are all across the country now. Being real adults, impacting lives. I'm proud to know a lot of the people I know (especially the young ones that are makin moves) and being responsible adults. One day I'll get there, LOL.

But anywho. This was just something on my mind. Looking at a former friend's MySpace page, and remembering the good old days (not to mention the fact I still have a crush on her cousin).


But did you also ever have one of those days where you're cleaning up, going through stuff to figure out what to keep and what to throw out, and you find some interesting writings or pictures? Well this happened to me a couple of days ago.

I guess I was on some type of energy high, even though I hadn't slept but 3 hours, trying to get this tape together to send out, and I was cleaning everything I could find. So I went through some drawers, and found some papers I wrote about 4 years ago, for an english class. I didn't even remember why I wrote them, what could've possibly been the purpose of the papers, but they were interesting. One was about a weekend a few years ago, that made me not want to trust another guy, ever. But I moved on, and still had my heart broken by another.

But all things work together for good, as the Bible says. And it's all a part of His plan, so I just figure, why fight it, it's gonna happen anyway. You ever wonder why God puts us through some of the things He puts us through. You hear all of the euphemisms all the time from your pastor/favorite motivational speaker, "You have to go through the storm to get to the rainbow," "The bigger the problem, the bigger the blessing," or "The greater the struggle, the greater the deliverance," but sometimes it can be overwhelming. I know this is all very stream of consciousness, but I'm really just typing whatever comes to my mind, b/c it's rare when I talk about anything other than journalism. And I kinda wanted it that way. Too many people know too much about me, and I need to limit that.

But anywho, back to the theme for this post, the good ol days were when you didn't have problems. Cuz I got 99 problems and a dude ain't one (ok, not a specific dude, but the fact that there is no dude in my life, that's probably a problem too). But I'm sure once I get a few things in my life straight, other parts will start to fall in line.

I'm lookin forward to the better days that are coming.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Traffic is a witch, fool

I absolutely despise traffic. There is nothing in this world that would make me be stuck in traffic for over an hour, and I haven't even driven a mile, except 10 million TAX FREE dollars, or a marriage proposal from Garth Brooks (I know he's married to Trisha Yearwood, but it won't last) . So yeah, don't go somewhere where a lot of people may have the tendency to be. I have learned my lesson.

Tres cosas sobre mi!!!!

Jacked this from a buddy

Three Names You Go By: Tiff, Tiff-Tiff, Babygirl

Three People You admire: Jesus, my parents, Melanie Martin

Three Parts of Your Heritage: Black, Native American and Caucasian

Three Things That Scare You: Very very bad turbulence (although I love fighting), huge snakes and guns.

Three of Your Everyday Essentials: Face moisturizer, chapstick (preferably Burt's Bees), and my cell phone

Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now: A shirt, pants and shoes

Three of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists: Lauryn Hill, Beyonce, BeBe and CeCe Winans

Three Things You Want in a Relationship: Honesty, Comedy a relationship with God.

Three Physical Things that attract you to the Opposite Sex: Their smile, Hair (doesn't matter if they're bald or whatever, but as long as whatever it is is kept neat, me likes!!!) and a nice, clean, masculine scent.

Three Non-Physical Things that attract you to the Opposite Sex: Sense of humor, ambition and intelligence.

Three of Your Favorite Hobbies: Reading, singing/dancing, chillin with my peeps.

Three Things You Want Really Badly Right Now: A full-time reporter job, to lose weight and to already be done editing my church's fashion show video.

Three Favorite T.V. Shows: ER, Dave Chappelle, Everybody Hates Chris.

Three People You Would Like to See Do This: whoever

Monday, November 13, 2006

Top Pet Peeves

Someone that I had the unfortunate luck of spending time with over the weekend prompted this post. This person embodies a lot of my pet peeves, and I'm not sure why I haven't shed them from my life, except for the fact that the relationship that I have with this person isn't just personal, it's business as well. So if you ever meet me, ever want to get to know me or befriend me, or even more than that, you'll know what NOT to do. And I had to add another one, b/c I saw it today, and it grosses me out. To the list!!

11. People who sing the wrong words to a song. (I know this is very petty, but it's SO annoying to hear people belt out the wrong words, or worse, mumble through a verse)

10. People playing in my hair. Yes I know it's beautiful and all that, but it's not necessary to touch it. I know plenty of people that have much more interesting hair than I do. And actually, I only allow certain people to run their fingers through my hair, and that's ONLY when I ask them to do it.

9. People who put their foot/feet up on the dashboard, or out the window. Or worse, have their bare feet up there. I thought it was only a certain race that did that, but then when I saw others doing that, I was too through.

8. People who attempt to give me advice on something, knowing they don't have any type of proof of expertise in it, or have less experience than I do (although, we all learn at different stages, but 2 people tried to do this, assuming I didn't already know).

7. People who give advice when it's not asked for.

6. No matter how much good you think you're doing by being completely honest, there are just some things you should just keep to yourself. (i.e. commenting on someone's weight, constantly talking about who is more attractive than the person you're making the comment to)

5. People who text message me just saying "Hi," or "Hey." I hate that. Luckily I don't have to pay for incoming text messages, but you're wasting my battery and time opening my phone to read that message.

4. Chewing with your mouth open.

3. People who take advantage of other people. For example, if I'm being generous and driving you somewhere, don't take advantage of that. Don't ask me to take you somewhere else when you KNOW I have to be somewhere else.

2. People who push the issue. Don't bring something up every other day, or worse, every day, when I told you no from the beginning. If you think it's something important, and it's not a pressing matter, we can revisit the issue in a few months, depending on our friendship.

1. Being a nuisance. Please do not call me every single day, ESPECIALLY, if I saw you within the last 12 hours, and then attempt to talk for an hour about absolutely NOTHING. And don't call me an hour or 2 before I'm supposed to see you. I know you're not calling about anything important, and whatever it is you are calling me about can be discussed when I see you in a couple of hours.

It's been a long time...

So uhhh yeah.

It's been exactly a month since my last post. I know all 2 of you have felt lost without updates on my oh so glamorous life. But so many things have happened.

Gateway held my a/c adapter for my notebook hostage. I ordered it on the 20th, and up until this past Monday, no one knew where it was. Luckily, I got home Saturday night, and lo and behold, it had finally arrived. So, I'm trying to deal with that although it seems like my original adapter wasn't the problem, my notebook itself is, but we'll see.

My friend/co-worker gave herself a deadline to find a reporter job, and when that deadline passed, she decided to apply for producer jobs and within a couple of months she up and moved half way across the country. So, I too am getting frustrated and have started applying for producer jobs. I had an interview for a position last week, and it seemed to go okay. The ND sent me some info about interviewing with the station, and it said if I failed the current events quiz the interview would end immediately, and luckily, I was there for about another hour. I should know around Thanksgiving what the outcome was. But I am also considering applying for a job that another friend of mine is leaving. It pays very, very well, and I'll be utilizing and sharpening my skills, so if I don't get the producer job or a reporter job, I'll most likely assertively pursue that job.

Until next time, hopefully it won't be as long as a month later.

Friday, October 13, 2006

I just wanna say

I'm not necessarily in a writing mood (which is the point of my blog though) but I just find it funny how someone whined that I stole a story from them to write (which I didn't, our producer took this person's initials out and put mine in while we were both gone) and while there were about 10-12 stories left for anybody to write, this person wrote 2. I left some for them to write, they decided not to, so I ended up writing 6 stories tonight.

Anywho, that was all. Back to your regularly scheduled program.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Friday, September 29, 2006

Funniest You Tube video EVER!!!

It's been on Keith Olberman, it was on somewhere else last night I think, I thought it was just a commercial, but dude can get down with the get down.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Why women get a bad rap in this business

The basics, city hall reporter dating the chief of police, no she is not the cops beat reporter, but she does cover them once in a while.

Dirty Laundry's take

Front Burner's take

DMN's blog

Friday, September 08, 2006

If only it had been live...

Now this is what I call breaking news. My kinda stuff. This is why I want to be a reporter.

Oakland drive by shooting caught on tape

Thursday, August 31, 2006

The 80's are back

I'll get to a post-convention post eventually, there's too much to write.

But today, I've had enough. The 70's, we kinda understand that coming back. But the 80's? Hayle naw. I was fed up today. First, I saw it at the salon I go to. The girl couldn't have been more than 10 or 11. Wearing a blue jean skirt with lace, footless tights. It wasn't bad a bad combination, but still, it's the summer in TEXAS. You couldn't pay me to wear that as hot as it is here.

Then, I saw it a grocery store. Blue jean skirt, tights. Wasn't the best combination either, a step down from the first sighting, but I just shook my head and kept on bout my business.

But today?

Oh hell to the naw!! If I had thought about it and really felt like it, I would've taken a picture and posted it. A too little pink shirt, blue jean skirt overalls that looked like they had been cut to be a pair of "mini skirt overalls," and dark blue tights. And she had the nerve to be talkin to a cute boy!! First, it doesn't match. Second, the 80's is NOT coming back, I repeat NOT COMING BACK!!! If I have to talk to each and every young girl in the metroplex, I will. It will be my community service for the next decade.

But while we're on the subject of fashion, when did a nice semi-dressy shirt EVER go with camouflage pants. Someone, PLEASE tell me when that fashion trend came down.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

They took playing on a treadmill to another level

It's quite interesting. I never would've thought about it.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Always Be Prepared

I struggled with what to title this post, b/c so many things happened today that were crazy, but I think this was the best choice. I also intended to make an outline b/c I did not want to leave anything out.

Well, normally, if I'm doing a story where I might get dirty (well it hasn't happened) my producer warns me. She warned me for the horse show we did, although my shoes never touched anything other than concrete. Ohhhhhhhhhh but today, she didn't tell me anything till I got there.

So I was looking cute, cute little dress shoes, nice makeup, and where do we go? To the frickin rodeo. A wild west show really. So we get there at 1, b/c we were told to be there at 1 to interview people, although the show didn't start until 2:30. We're told the star/host of the show would come out, and to meet him around the gate, and we did. I was like, "oh that would be cool, interviewing him through the gate." But what does he do? He opens the gate, and tells us to come on in. Amongst dirt and dung. So here's the little conversation.
My producer:"oh okay."
Me: "Mmmm I don't know."
And of course, what I thought would happen did happen. I took one step in, and started sinking, and hence, the rest of the convo...
Me: "Uhhhhhh I don't think this will work."
My producer: "Are you okay?"
Me (thinking): "Of course I'm not okay, I'm sinking in cow/horse/cattle dung!"
I was not prepared for dung.
I step out and brace myself and step back in, and the interview starts.

Now I don't think I mentioned this, but also, he rode up on his horse, Charlie. So Charlie's there, trying to get on the camera (b/c apparently he's famous and all, been on a CBS miniseries and a Robert Duvall movie) and he's like righthere, next to my chest. Idk if horses can smell fear, or maybe b/c Charlie's 20 years old and his sniffer's not as good as it used to be, but I swear he was going to knock me down, as many times as he swung his head over towards me. I wasn't prepared for horses being thisclose to my face.

And so, we're waiting and waiting, people start to show up. There's this one lady that comes in with a group and a teeny tiny teency tiny baby. And we're like "that baby HAS to be no more than 2 weeks old" he was so tiny. So she's almost slinging him around, she leaves with him, comes back. I look up into the stands, people watching, and I see her with a blanket over part of her chest. I've seen that before, she's frickin breastfeeding! AT THE RODEO!!!! What the world man. Who breastfeeds at the rodeo? It was crazy. I was not prepared for lactating mothers.

A couple of things

It's official.
I'm going to the NABJ Conference this year. It will be and EXTREMELY busy time for me. I'll be working, getting contacts, networking, talking to recruiters. And also, trying to meet the people I've been laughing and crying with in cyberspace for months. I really hated that I wasn't going to be able to go, but hey, it's all working out so far. I'm currently looking for a room to lay my head in between workshops. And like I told some folks, I'm willing to sleep in the bathtub.

But also,
This will be a family vacation, afterwards. My uncle and mother are going to pick me up after the conference and we'll go to Chicago, visit some family, go to Michigan, visit some more family, you know how it goes. Unfortunately, I'm not looking forward to the drive back to Texas. It's frickin 14 hours!!! I'm just glad I won't be the one behind the wheel, b/c I've driven it before, NEVER AGAIN!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I'm Toni

And.....guess where she's from??? My hometown!!!!!

You scored as Toni. Woohu!! Youre a Toni. Damn grl you could shop all day long and still not be tired! Sometimes you go for the guys that can offer you things instead of going for the guys that you really care about and offer their heart out most to you. Nevertheless, youre still a great friend and would do anything for your girlfriends. You go grl!!









Which girlfriend are you?(from the hit tv show girlfriends)
created with

Monday, July 24, 2006

First Jesse Ventura...

What really bothers me most about this clip is her head movement and CONSTANT blinking. She almost looks like a robot, or it looks like someone edited her movements together to make it look weird. But anywho, would you vote for her?

Friday, July 21, 2006

Bored posting


Not much is happening. Well a bunch is happening, but nothing you would care about. I started working on another resume tape this week. I went out with one of my co-workers on her story. She is the craziest (funny crazy) person I have ever met, but she knows how to get the job done. And tonight, it was like Friday Night Live, Party Central on our side of the newsroom. Said co-worker had people cracking up, she had herself in tears, it was hee-larry-us (as I've seen on another blog).

I have a full weekend. I get to go to training bright and early tomorrow morning for our new tv cameras at church. Then I get to come back out here and do a story (on what, I don't remember) but hopefully it will be at least somewhat entertaining. Then, I get to go back to the house where i'm house/dog sitting and do my laundry. I really need to go ahead and get started on editing the story I did Tuesday, and I'm sure I will, I just don't know when I'll do it. I'll probably try to do it tomorrow, or at least dub the tape so it doesn't get recycled (you know, even with a "hold" sticker, people will still take stuff and use it, it already happened during my internship)

Today was quite an eventful day. High speed chases that ended with the truck plunging into a little waterway (looked like that ride at Six Flags). Fires fires and more fires, EVERYWHERE. Shootings, and stabbings and robberies, oh my. ALL IN ONE DAY. But, this is the business I chose, and I love every minute of it. I can't wait to do as good a job as my co-workers did today during the breaking news we stayed with during our hour-long show.

Monday, July 17, 2006

I hope someone is this excited to marry me someday.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Weird sightings and other junk

Sooooooooooooo I'm sitting here trying to write a story about a horse show. A FRICKIN HORSE SHOW. It was boring, it smelled, I was sleepy, I ended up having to stand the entire time we were there. Just all out not the best time of my life. But there were some interesting moments.

At the beginning the spouted off the sponsors, and the special people they wanted to thank for being there or supporting the organization. And luckily the intern warned us that my producer/photog would get a shout out, otherwise she probably would've freaked. And so ironically, when they called her name, she got the biggest and loudest hand clap.

Anywho, there's a bunch of videos, a little cowboy mounted shooting act thingamabober, and then, we see her. This lady had to have been in her 50's, maybe 40's, but I'm thinking 50's. I saw it first on her neck, then on her thigh, then on her ankle. I COUNTED 3 TATOOS!! And it they didn't look like they were old and had stretched either. Other funny thing was, she wasn't dressed like everyone else, in jeans, cowboy hat and boots (only in Texas). But when she sat down, she pulled out a peach, and my producer/photog was like "Oh my gosh she's putting salt on a peach," and she motioned for me to slide over and see. It was weird, I don't think I've ever seen anyone do that before. But she was just a weird lady all in all.

But I guess the highlight of this thing was the event we felt we had enough video for. Team penning-Finals. A team of 3 cowboys had to get 3 cows with the same number into a pen, and whoever had the fastest time and got all 3 cows had a pretty good shot at winning. But they had to tally it up with their previous scores from the day before. It was actually kind of interesting and exciting, for what it was.

But now I'm stuck, trying to figure out what I'm going to say AND how I'm going to get back out there with no gas. I should've went ahead and wrote it and edited tonight. Although I'd probably just now be getting home.

Anywho, I hope everyone is having a safe weekend. Funny how something else that's been on my mind just ended up coming out of my fingers, instead of weekend. More on that other topic later, when I'm not too depressed and tired to write about it.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Right place, Right time?

So, I'm at church, we've set the media table and covered it, we're just waiting to see if there was further instruction, b/c we all planned to go into service. But then our fearful leader came in, and sat down at the table, and started talking about the magazine (when I get clearance, I'll let you know all about it) and it turned into a meeting. I wasn't involved, at the time, I just happened to be sitting there, listening to what was going on, if I had information that would help, I'd chime in, but I was just the hook up gal, nothing more. But then there was more talk, I chimed in more, started writing stuff down, and now I am the Media Relations person. Which is cool. I don't have a problem with that.

But later on, I asked him if he was going to the NABJ convention, since he talked about being gone most of August, and he said "no, do I need to?" And I said well not exactly, but that's where a loooooooooooooooot of big time people and connections will be, and Tyra Banks will be there (our third issue will be about fashion) and that would be nice to have her in it. And he asked me if I was going, and I said no. And he asked me if I would like to go, and I said are you paying, and he said find out how much it would cost and let me know. So hey, I might be racing to Indy after all!!!! And I can hang out with all my good peoples!!!!! And get contacts too, which of course, is the #1 priority! ;)

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Random thoughts part deux

So last night was my first night rolling clips, by myself. My boss watched for like 10 minutes during my first newscast, but after that, he was outta there. And that's when all hell broke loose. I rolled a clip for a package, and it was wiggin out. Everybody was like "is the clip rolling?" And I said yes, and the person next to me said yes. The other EP that was in the booth called my boss back in and then they realized it had nothing to do with me, it was the photog that sent in the wrong clip.

#2: My first 10pm, which is like 33 minutes. But ohhhh guess what, we have breaking news!!! So we're on it and I had to loop video and stuff was being killed left and right, I had to eject and put stuff back in. Thank GOD people are cross-trained, and the lady next to me knew about the system/process, because I was TOTALLY lost. But it was semi better than doing an actual show, because we kept going back to the breaking news, and using live video.

But, on the up side, I officially applied for the job I want to be promoted to. My boss said they're still looking at changing the requirements. And luckily, they have 2 positions open, so maybe they can tailor one a little bit, and leave the other one the way it is.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

The Gift and the Curse

So, I talked about this a little bit before, but it popped into my mind again today. I helped my grandmother moved this weekend, and I had to pass by one of the stations I just sent a resume tape to. On the way back home, we passed by it, and I thought about a recent conversation I had with a former employee of said station, who by the way is a big time Anchor/Reporter now. But she was telling me about her time there, and how she was from there. And I expressed my concern that a lot of these small market stations, for whatever reason, have been hiring people that are actually from the small town/city/area, despite experience. I mean fools (yeah, I said it) that just woke up from their post-graduation hangover are getting these jobs, yet I, can't get one, b/c I'm not from the area. I mean, how hard can it be to learn a few street names and pronunciations of newsmakers' names? Pulling out a map and asking a few questions, or going to meet these people face to face shouldn't take more than a day or 2. But nooooooooooooooooooo. They want somebody that's FROM the area. *End rant*

I think I'll just email this ND first thing Tuesday, maybe even call, and see where they're at in th hiring process.

On another note:
I HATE moving ANYTHING. I hate packing (luckily I didn't have to do that), I hate moving boxes and furniture, and I especially HATE heavy duty cleaning. This weekend was the second time I've had to do heavy duty cleaning, and fortunately the first time, it was one room, that wasn't all that dirty (although it took over 5 hours to clean it top to bottom)

But this place. Oh. My. Goodness. This is my great uncle's rent house, no longer rent house since my grandmother moved in. But the previous renters? I swear fo God, had to be about the nastiest folk in the WORLD. I just could NEVER move out of a place and not clean it. I mean, whatever happened to common courtesy, and wanting your security deposit back. I bet my uncle used up the deposit on only ONE of the many repairs he had to make, and he's still got work today. This, right here, is why I do NOT want to use rental properties as my investment income. Plus, I'm too nice to demand something from somebody. But I guess, since it's money/business, I could probably get over that.

But anywho, back to the nasty folk. Also, it should've been embarrassing for them to leave it like that. 50 jillion jars of relaxer in the kitchen cabinet, cd's in other drawers. Just. Ridiculous. I'm hoping that whenever I move from anywhere, and probably here, that I can clean as best as I can, PLUS hire one of those cleaning services that do make-readies for apartments.

Well, que sera, sera. Have a good week peeps!!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

You Are 29% Fake

The real you is something you embrace and don't mind enhancing.
You know that a few beauty secrets aren't a big deal, as long as you look good.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Update and random thoughts

So I got an email from the ND I kinda know a few minutes ago. I think they might almost remember from 2 years ago. But it was all positive, and hopefully I'll be at the station this time next week or the week after for an interview.

But I talked to a veteran of the station, where she had her first job, and she said it would be a good place to start out, and said she would help me in any way she can. I hope this is really the one for me b/c it's time for me to start my career.

On another note:
Sorry folks, this post had to be edited, as information posted here may have compromised some things. If you read it pre-edit, good for you, and thank you for reading my blog. If you didn't, sorry Charlie.

Anywho, I'm over 700 emails now, so I need to whittle that down.

Hasta luego mi gente!!!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Man Credit Application

This was posted on a message board I visit regularly, HIGHlarious!!!!!
I forgot to talk about this a while ago, but I had the chance to experience something reporters do at a real tv station. I had an intern. It was great! She insisted on carrying everything, she kept giving me compliments (not that that is so important ;)) but it was nice.

And I sent a tape to the station with the ND I semi-know, and I was talking to my assistant ND about his thoughts on my job search and stopping by the station during my trip next week, and it turns out he knows the new ND. So he said he'd put in a good word for me, and help me in any way I can, because he wants somebody to pay his social security. (And sometimes I think he's joking, but he's made this joke several times, LOL) It's cool though, but I hope he sticks around for a while, we need his intelligence and expertise.

Now, I just have a few rants.

1) I HATE cab drivers who insist on driving the speed limit in the fast lane, and refuse to move over to another lane and let other drivers by. They'll drive in that lane if absolutely no one else is on the road and it's irritating.

2) Lately, at night people will turn their brights on just to get people to move over, so they don't have to make the energy consuming move to turn the wheel and get over to the next lane, to pass. What type of road etiquette, really lack thereof, is that crap?

3) And my grandmother upset me today. Telling me I needed to get rid of some stuff that I WANT to keep in storage containers under my bed. And I asked her if she needed them and her response was, "no, I just need them out from under the bed." And I really wanted to be like "if you don't need them, why are you concerned about what's in them?" But I just left alone.
Yes, I come from a family of pack rats, BUT, I'm not nearly as bad as some people keeping checks from banks they haven't banked at since before I started elementary school.

4) I wish you really could telecommute as a journalist. Well, I guess depending on what you do in journalism, you can, to an extent. But I'll be glad (for the little time I hope to get away from here and start my career) when I'll be in a market where I can comfortably live 10-20, maybe even 30 minutes from my job, instead of 50.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

So I talked to my boss.

Bad news: They want producing experience. And not some little college show (although it was live) they want real, tv station out to thousands of people experience. And I said cool, I wasn't really expecting to get it anyway.

Good news: He says they're thinking about reshaping the criteria for the position, and "all hope is not dead." (His words, not mine). So, we'll see in a couple of weeks where that leads.

BUT in other news:

So there's a couple of reporting positions open at a station, that I have sent a tape to EVERY time they had a position open, and now the criteria has changed a little bit. So I emailed my friend who used to work, there. I couldn't remember the ND's name, so I go look it up, and surprise, surprise; there's a new ND. AND not only's someone that I have come in contact with before.

This person offered me an internship at one of the stations they used to work at, without even seeing me, just based on my resume. I kinda hesitated when they offered, and they were kinda like "well do you want it or not." Kinda in a rude tone, but Idk if I read a little too into it. So I accepted it. And then a couple of weeks later, I was offered another internship, a PAID one (ya'll know that NEVER happens in broadcast), in my hometown. But I mainly took the paid one because 1) I already had a place to live and 2) I could keep working at the job I had at the time. The paycheck wasn't really an issue, but it helped. So when I told the other person, they were kinda like "okay, fine" (and I don't remember if they said Okay fine whatever, but it almost seem like that was the next word). But Idk if they felt slighted, or disappointed, or upset b/c I accepted an internship in the big market.

So now I'm slightly worried that they might remember me, and throw my tape in the trash, or if they would actually talk to me. I'll be passing by the station soon, so I'm hoping that I can get a chance to take my tape down there and talk to them.

But anywho, I need to go read these 553 emails I have in my inbox.

Ciao peeps!!!

Sunday, June 11, 2006


It's been a while, but a lot has happened.

First thing that comes to mind. I'm not sure if the Spanish-oriented stations are ranked the same as english-oriented stations, but tell me why the chief meteorologist for the Telemundo station here is younger than me?

I'm still seriously considering holding off on, or cutting down on the jobs I apply for. There's some stuff I need to work on, stuff I need to handle here, before I can move.

I'm hoping that I can get a promotion at my current employer, b/c I do half the stuff the position requires anyway. And it would be a lot more money.

My church's conference was a success. Daystar said they've received responses they have NEVER received before after airing a special. So make sure you call/email Daystar and request that the Rhema conference be re-aired. It's really changing lives, just like the phrase says, "What you hear, see and experience will change you forever."

So wish me luck talking to my boss tomorrow!!!!

Monday, May 29, 2006

I just wanna say, I love the company I work for. We have lots o' fun, and we bond and socialize outside of work. Today we kicked off our grilling season. It was something I've been looking forward to for 2 months now. And I found out that I might be related to one of my co-workers.

But before that...
My maternal grandmother's side of the family had our first real family reunion. I got there kinda late b/c I was working on my church's conference, but I got there just in time to meet relatives I never knew existed.

A funny thing that happened though...3 of my cousins go to the same college, but only 2 knew each other. But everyone would always ask one of them and the one none of us knew if they were related b/c they look soooooooo much alike, but they would always say no. Well...turns out they are actually related.

I got pictures of everyone, and hopefully when we have our next reunion, we can add those pictures to the next family book.

I'll post one of me with 2 of my favorite cousins when I get home.

This conference is wearing me out. That's exactly what the person over the media ministry said today. The preparation wears you out and the work during the actual conference will kill you. He said it will either make or break you and will let you know if you truly love God and are willing to work. But I think it'll be well worth it. So many people are excited about this conference. Not just at our church, not just in this city, but alllllll across the country. And since I'm right smack dab in the middle of this thing, I won't have the time, energy or money to really look for jobs and send tapes out. I'll only be applying for jobs at stations that I'm really, really, really interested in working at, as opposed to just trying to get a job anywhere. So, wish me luck!

Ciao mi gente!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Sooo......I didn't report back immediately after my follow-up call. But I think you can figure out by now, I didn't get the job. Although, he is the only news director that, other than during a critique session, has given me feedback.

But now, I have joined the media ministry at my church and since we're moving back into television, the people that are over the media ministry have been asking for my advice and help. And we also have a conference coming up, so I need to be there as much as possible, since that will also be televised on Daystar, and also afterwards when we move into selling DVD's of the services; training people on the cameras and editing and graphics and all that good stuff. So for now, I'm only going to apply for jobs at stations/markets I'd really, really, truly, really would want to go to.

Also, at my job, I have had to train new P.A's, so that has taken up much of my time as well.

But, for your viewing pleasure.

Real News Bloopers

One of my favorites

I don't know what I would've done if I were this guy

Dude is hella mad

I wonder how he's doing

This is the one we had to watch over and over and OVER again!!!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

I really meant to post this as soon as I got home yesterday, but I kinda sorta semi took a nap. And then I had dinner and went to bible study. So, no time hyesterday.

I wanted to leave at 7:30 yesterday morning, I ended up leaving at 7:45, thinking that should still be enough time for me to get through traffic and actually find the place. It used to be there wasn't any traffic until 8 o'clock. But then again, that was about a year ago, so every way I tried to go to get away from traffic, there ended up being more than I expected.

And so I'm driving along, and my Yahoo map directions were pretty accurate, until I get into the city. I'm looking for a certain highway, I never see that sign, but I see the street after that highway, but the exit was closed anyway. So I'm thinking it will be past that, and I'm going, and going, and going, and not seeing anything that's in my directions. So of course, I forgot to get the number to the station before I left, and that free 411 number wasn't working for some reason, and I had to call the regular 411 (which is a frickin $1.50) and get the number. The operator tells me I need to turn around, and take some highway. My cell phone, just about the greatest invention ever **rolls eyes** is cutting out, but I think I heard her okay.

And so I see a highway that's a number off from what I thought she said, but I think, well maybe that's what she actually said, since it was cutting out. So I exit, make the right she told me to make, and I'm driving, and driving and driving and don't see anything she talked about. So I called back, and, the market I went to wasn't very big, but for whatever reason, she said she had no clue where I was (even though the place is 6 miles away from the station And granted I don't know about every single place in the metroplex, well actually I think I do, at least anyplace someone wants to go, I could at least tell them what to look for).

But anyway when I called back the 2nd time, she said she didn't know where I was, and she would transfer me to someone who could help me. And it's taking a long time, so I hit my speakerphone button and of course during that time the person finally answered. And I didn't realize it was the person I was meeting until he asked who I was and said oh hi. So he couldn't really help me either, or didn't have time to, and said he would transfer me back to the operator, and don't worry about being late. Wellllllll somewhere in there, I got disconnected. So I called back, and she was like, "all I can tell you is he said to take Loop so and so and that'll take you to our street." So eventually find that, and I eventually find the station, and I'm only 6 minutes late.

Now. I'm actually at the station. Looking around, watching a little tv, and then the ND comes out and shows me a little bit of the station before we go to his office. The interview went pretty much like the other interviews I've had, except I've never had a ND ask me how good the program was at the university I went to (I think I did have one ask me how well I thought it prepared me, actually now that I think about it, I think it was for a non-broadcast news job). He tells me about the market and the station, I ask him my questions, I met one of the newest reporters, got the rest of the tour and we were back at the front of the station.

He was showing me the easiest way to get back to the highway, and for some reason I started coughing really bad, my eyes were watering again (Idk what it is about my eyes, but they always water during an interview, whether I'm doing the interview or someone's interviewing me) and I couldn't even talk at this point. And he was like "oh that's okay you're all choked up about your adventure getting here). But overall, it was the best interview I have had so far, it's the first one I've felt somewhat comfortable in. But I think it's because of all the research and preparation I've done, and the fact that I've been networking and talking to this ND off and on for about a year now.

So he told me if I didn't hear from him by next Wednesday, to give him a call. So I'll have another update then.

Have a good rest of the week homey g's!!!!

Monday, April 24, 2006


I have a busy week this week. Today I had a story to do before I went to my "real/not really a job" job. It was really cute. The university has a music festival and they invite school-aged children to listen to and learn about musica latinoamericana. (Can you tell I minored in Espanol?)

But I was so ecstatic to see diversity in the people that were performing. They had artists from Colombia, but in the school's jazz band, the first person I saw was a sista. PLAYIN THE TROMBONE!!!! All I could think was, you go girl!!!! I see abrothaman up there with a sax and I think cool.

But thennn...they were playing their first song, and brothaman stood up. DUDE HAD A SOLO!!! That's when I was really happy. (We makin some, SOME strides).

I somehow mustered up the courage to call the news director mentioned in the previous post on Friday, and now I have an interview with him Wednesday. It's kinda semi far, so I'm gonna have to try and go to bed early and wake up early.

Tomorrow I'm going to see if I can put together another tape really quick to take with me on Wednesday, but if not, I do have to write my story. And it just so happens that a very prominent African American author will be doing an interview around the same time I'll be there. So I just might take a particular book and possibly a digital camera (if I can find some more batteries).

Work has been crazy. Since a P.A. quit, people are rearranging their schedules, and as of right now, I'm the only one on both days I'm here. Friday was awful. Everyone was behind, and somehow I ended up printing the 2nd part of the 5 13 minutes before it was supposed to start. But everything went off without a hitch.

But I will probably be back Wednesday to talk about my interview, as usual.


Wednesday, April 19, 2006


So not much has happened since my last post. The same old same old, looking for jobs, and working at my current ones. I finally sent some more tapes today (well 4, but still I sent some). I was kinda frustrated though b/c I had to go buy envelopes and I had to buy resume paper and I had to go get gas b/c I had been on E since yesterday, and it took me an hour just to get all of that out of the way and just to the parking lot of the post office. But luckily, there wasn't that long of a line. (But I'm glad I didn't try to send any Monday night, there was a line for the APC all the way out of the first automatic door, all the people trying to have their returns postdated by midnight).

But anyhoo, one of the tapes I sent was to a news director that I've known since last year, and whom I ran into again last month. He took one of my tapes, but I'm not sure if he kept it. Now there's an opening at his station, and I sent him an email, telling him I'd be glad to come out there and talk to him about/see the station/interview for the position, and the last time I sent an email saying that, he replied right away and told me whenever I was read to come out there to let him know. Well, now that I've emailed him this time, I haven't heard from him. But, I sent him a tape anyway.

And yesterday, I finally got back to the gym. I was so worn out halfway through, I felt like I had never worked out a day in my life. It was worse than my first session with a personal trainer. But, today was much better, and I got some information from one of the women working out at the same time I was about a job I could do until I find an on-air job, and my search on it led me to another job that I'm qualified for, and would be more comfortable doing. So we'll see what happens in the next couple of days.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Your Birthdate: January 8

Watch out Donald Trump! You've got a head for business and money.
You'll make it rich some day, even if you haven't figured out how yet.
A supreme individualist, you shouldn't get stuck in a corporate job.
Instead, make your own way - so that you can be the boss.

Your strength: Your undying determination

Your weakness: You require an opulent lifestyle

Your power color: Plum

Your power symbol: Dollar sign

Your power month: August

Makes me think I really should try and go to the NABJ convention in AUGUST.

Your Birth Month is January

You are a natural leader who is able to stand up when no one else can.
Strong and powerful, you tend to overshadow those around you.

Your soul reflects: deep love, fascination with life, and a distinctive persona

Your gemstone: Garnet

Your flower: Snowdrop

Your colors: Black, dark red, and dark blue

Monday, April 03, 2006

What would you do in this situation?

Monday, March 27, 2006

Ok....I know it's been forever and a day since my last post, but so much has happened, and I haven't had time to get it all in. And now I realize I should've just written whatever and saved it.

First of all, no disrespect to the hosts of this career fair, but I went to a pretty lame career fair. Well, let me not say lame. BUT.....I can't say that it was worth my waking up early to put together 10 tapes and printing out several resumes.

Only 2 companies that I would be interested in (and incidentally, who I also have sent tapes to in the past) were there. Wait, let me take that back, there was a 3rd english speaking tv station, but it was the station I worked for. So I talked to the HR person that was there a bit and then moved on.

But when I first got there, I walked in, saw someone that has critiqued my tape before, and chatted with him a bit. Told him about my job search so far. And he gave me his perspective, took my tape, and I moved on. Then that's when I moved on to my station. Then I passed another station, the banner was for a Spanish-speaking station, but I later found out they were also representing another station, that wasn't exactly a Spanish-speaking station. BUT it was a station I had sent my tape to before, and heard nothing, so I didn't feel too bad.

So after I left my station I walk around the corner (b/c there were only like 8 booths total) pass by more radio stations and Spanish-speaking stations and come up on another station that I had sent my tape to. But I'm thinking it's XYZW, but it was actually XAZW. But still, it was a station I sent my tape to. I looked at the name tag of the guy sitting there and realized oh yeah, he told me to send him a tape. So I said "heyyyyy I sent you a tape a while ago" and he's like "okay yeah I was wondering how you looked familiar." And he asks me about what I'm doing now, says I'm getting a lot of great experience and to email him and tell him I saw him. Cool beans!!!

But on the up side, I ran into an old high school classmate, we exchanged information and then I went to work. I got there an hour and a half later than usual, and that really upset me. But on top of that, my account hadn't been reestablished yet, so it was weird.

But this morning, I finally got a hold of the ND that said I was a final candidate, and he said the exact same thing, but that he still has my tape and just to send another application.

So things are lookin up. I'll keep my 1 or 2 faithful readers posted in the mean time!!!!!


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

10 Favorites

Favorite Color: Lavender

Favorite Food: Shrimp etouffee

Favorite Singer: CeCe Winans

Favorite Song: Gotta Be-Jagged Edge

Favorite Movie: Coming to America

Favorite Sport: Basketball

Favorite Season: Spring

Favorite Day Of the Week: It’s Saturday!!!!!!!!

Favorite Position: Management (I don’t know why I’m so bossy, LOL)

9 Currents

Current Taste: Something with shrimp

Current Clothes: Dark blue jeans, t-shirt

Current Desktop Picture: LOL, my baby boo

Current Location: Living room

Current Time: 4:05 p.m.

Current Crush: My baby boo-he knows who he is

Current Thought: I’m hungry, don’t know what I want, and there’s no shrimp here

Current Enemy: Debt

Current procrastination: Need to fold and put away (or save as my baby boo says) my clothes

8 Firsts

First Best Friend: Lillian

First Kiss: Sometime during Kindergarten, his name was/is Mario

First Screen Name: gapbaby104

First Time: LOL that’s on a need to know basis, and nobody needs to know that that is not determining whether I get into heaven

First Yearbook caption: I don’t even remember

First Crush: Kindergarten-Mario

First Music You Remember Hearing: Gospel music

First Car: Used: ‘97 Nissan Altima

7 Lasts

Last Cigarette: I never picked up the habit, but tried it when I was a freshman in high school, took 2 puffs and that was it.

Last Alcoholic drink: During my friend’s family reunion, before we went to the club

Last Car Ride: Friday, on our way to a story

Last Kiss: January 1, 2006

Last Movie Seen: Madea's Family Reunion

Last Phone Call: them durn student loan people

Last CD Played: Kirk Franklin’s Hero

6 Have You Evers

Have You Ever Made Love to One Of Your Male Friends: Yes

Have You Ever Been Arrested: Nope, and don’t plan on it

Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: Nope

Have You Ever Been on TV: Yes

Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: Ummm, probably one of the elderly mother’s at the church, on the cheek, but nobody else that I can really recall.

5 Things

5 Things You've Done Today: Checked my voicemail, checked my e-mail, paid the electric bill, sent a tape off for a job, watched my stories, LOL.

5 Things You Can Hear Right Now: My momma telling me goodbye, my dog‘s tag as she shakes, her sniffing, the tv, the sound of an IM buddy coming online.

5 Things You Do When You're Bored: watch tv, sleep, spend money I don't have, surf the net, read

4 Places

4 Places you want to visit: Spain, England, Italy, France

3 People

3 People You Can Tell Anything To: My baby boo, my best friend Toya and my other best friend Renee.

2 Choices...

A) Black or White: Black

B) Hot or Cold: Cold

1 Thing

1 Thing You Want to Do Before you die: Be successful in all aspects of my life.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Okay I just saw something that bothers me greatly, but I don't think about it often, but since I just saw it, I thought I'd blog about it.

For people not on television, not in television news, not used to be around a camera, PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MAKE ANY CRAZY FACES, HAND SIGNALS OR NOISES!!!!

I just watched a live shot one of our reporters did, and a guy in the background saw the camera and came straight towards it and made a hand signal (it wasn't bad, it was his school's mascot). But that crap is annoying.

It reminds me of when another reporter did a story one night, and she was surrounded by a bunch of college kids, and they were screaming their butts off so much she had to move.


This also reminded me of that Ollie and whoever show in NY, that I believe CAUSED the dismissal of a reporter b/c this show's hosts encouraged listeners to taunt reporters, especially when they're doing live shots, b/c it's "funny." It's not, trust me, it looks stupid, it looks unnatural, and fake, and the news is not supposed to be like that.

I say, for us journalists, if these people do it to us, we should go to their jobs and taunt them and interfere with their work. We're doing a service to them, and they're taunting us, mocking us, etc.

Once again, non-tv news people and non-journalists, DON'T BOTHER US AND WE WON'T BOTHER YOU!!!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Let me first preface this post by saying, if this refers to you, please take no offense.

It irks me to know end, this whole process of getting into the business. It's not enough to compete with the people that you graduate with for jobs, but there's thousands of schools, thousands of people that are graduating at the same time you are, and will be looking for the 50 or so jobs that might be open at that time. But thennnnnn, that's not enough, you have people who didn't even major in journalism, that either decided early on to go into journalism, despite their degree, or decided after graduating, and this is the topic of today's blog.

Now granted, I have a very good friend that is now a producer in Louisiana that actually majored in economics, but I don't know how she got into that, or why she even got into journalism. But, she's my hero! Anyway, my tiff is with a certain someone that "aced" (this is the word the ND used) me out of a job. Now, this particular job, was in a small market, very small, like the bottom quarter. But, at the time I felt I had no other choice. So I went to the interview, was there for over an hour, met all of the people (okay it was like 3, there was extreeeeme multi-tasking there). He told me about the market, about stuff that didn't even pertain to what my job would be, the salary (and for those of you who may know, but even with any career, salary is not usually discussed unless you're near the end) so I felt very very hopeful. So at the end of the interview, he tells me that he'll be making a decision the end of the week (it was like a Tuesday or Wednesday when I went), but if I didn' thear from him, to call him Monday, just in case the person he did choose didn't accept. Well, needless to say, he didn't call, and I actually didn't call him either. Since then, I've seen the new people on the website, I have no problems, I just feel like there's something better for me out there.

Fast forward to today, and there are 3 positions open, so I called the ND, and after the 3rd call I finally got him on the phone. I remind him of who I was and asked him about the jobs. And he says something to the affect of, "well, the people have signed their contracts yet, but I've pretty much filled 2 of the positions, and the third one, I'm looking at the final candidates." And I say okay. And he says something to the affect of, "but I'll tell you this as a compliment to you (he did say those words exactly) the person that "aced" you out was a medical doctor, on leave from Harvard medical school, and you know, I never get someone in here with those credentials." And I said okay I see. But he looked up the next 2 people whose contracts were going to be up soon (well it's not soon to me, first one is October) and told me to apply again if I'm still looking, then wished me luck.

So....I said all of that to say...WHO GOES FROM STUDYING TO BE A DOCTOR TO BE ON TV IN THE BOTTOM QUARTER MARKET? People, please stick with your especializacion, especially after you've graduated. This business is soooooo extremely tough as it is, competing with fellow journalism majors. We don't wanna have to compete with non-majors too. But I will say, if you're good, you're good, or, if you have potential, then you have potential. But everyone doesn't look thaaaaaaaaat different, and a lot of people have potential. It's hard to get in when you can, when they're looking for what you've got, and you're being beat out by someone that didn't even TAKE THE TIME TO STUDY AND LEARN AND HONE the craft that you're entering. I think a lot of non-majors see the glitz and glamour, but don't see the hard work that leads to the glitz and glamour, until they get there, and then it's too late.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Ok wellll....
I mailed my tape instead of hand delivering it yesterday. Of course, Mother Nature would be against me, and I didn't get a chance to go anywhere yesterday b/c of icy highways. So yesterday was spent with the heat on (which is rare in my household) and under 2 comforters. I was still cold. But anywho,

Lucky me, even though it was President's Day, I'm at work. And the one time I go to the bank and tried to deposit something the old fashion way, it didn't dawn on me that with no cars in the parking lot, it was President's Day. Then, I went to the Post Office to mail a tape. And while I was planning on using the APC (Automated Postal Center for those of you that haven't seen/used one yet), The gate where employees park was open, which doesn't happen when they're closed, so I thought they were working today. Of course not, and I end up in line behind people that haven't used the machine before. Luckily the lady with 30 boxes wasn't there today.

So nothing important happening...I'm waiting on mi papa to come back from Italy so we can finish up this whole rental property thing, and he can tell me who this person is (well I know who the person is) but how they're going to help me find a job b/c I need one b/c I do NOT want to move somewhere unless I'm getting a full time job there. Wish me luck, pray for me, cross your fingers, whatever helps you believe more.


Thursday, February 16, 2006

Oooh oooh ooh UPDATE!!!

Ok so remember how about a week ago, I talked about my mother's pastor telling me to try another station in town? Well at the time they didn't have an opening but of course, guess what? A job opening posted today. So, they're having a mini-revival type thing this week, but we're not going (that's too much drivin erry night) so we're not going back till Sunday. So I called the station to see if anyone would be there to take my tape (I'm tryin to save as much money as possible, and that $3.03 since ain't no joke) and the receptionist transfers me to the newsroom, and I end up talking to the weekend producer. He tells me that he'll be there and he'll be glad to put it in the ND's box! Yayyyy!

In non-job searching news...
I watched Oprah today, and I cannot wait to see this show that she talked about. I saw an article about it a while ago and posted it on one of my forums, but it's not debuting till next month. It's a reality show where a black family and a white family switch races. I wonder why F/X is the only one to pick it up (well idk if they're the only one, but other networks need to watch out, it's gonna be another BRAVO! surge)?

But anyway, the families talked about their experiences and I think it is so interesting that the way the white family thought. For whatever reason, the wife assumed that all black women used bitch in an affectionate way the same way some black people use the N word in an affectionate way. I've never used it that way, don't plan on it, I've never used either word in that way actually. And when Oprah talked about visiting one of her many celebrity friends, what she said is so true. Entertainers use it so much as a term of endearment, everybody else sees it that way and thinks it's ok to use it. When everybody doesn't use it and people of other races(okay I'll just go ahead and say it, caucasians) will never understand why it's so offensive because they've never been called a name that was used to demean them. Yeah you can go ahead and say that honky or cracker were used to demean caucasians, but it wasn't used while thousands of them were being whipped or dragged or killed by a black person.

The other thing that people will never understand is what Bruno didn't understand. He perceived caucasians treating him differently when he was black as that person having a bad day. I think his wife realized it when they went to the bar or whatever that was where they were the only "black" couple, but it's not exactly the same. When Bruno (as a black man) and Nick were walking down the street, people would cross the street and walk over to the other sidewalk. Bruno chose to see that as "oh they just want more room to walk." WTF? You're passing someone for a second, no need for you to cross the street and walk over to the other side unless you have a problem being anywhere near black people. Idk, do they think that something's gonna go down and they're gonna be caught in the crossfire?

But going back to the bar with the "black" Wurgels, even after all this woman said to offend everybody, she finally started to understand what black people face every single day of their lives. Idk about everyone else, but I think the feeling of not being wanted somewhere hurts. Granted, I most likely wouldn't be in a place like that, but if I ever did, I'd want to feel comfortable. We as Americans have a right to go anywhere in this country and feel comfortable, not looked at strangely (but if you're wearing some hideous outfit, yeah I'ma talk about you). But I'm not gonna downright be mean to you look at you crazy just because of your skin color.

And for those of ya'll that know, you know good and well sista girl wanted to work her neck and tell that man off that said that black people are proud of being dumb and segregate themselves from the whites when they move into a neighborhood that's predominantly white.

LOL, anyway, I guess that's all I have on my mind for now. Oh wait, my point after that long rant, I think it would be beneficial for this country if we all spent some time as another race. Spent some time feeling the hate and anger that they spew at others. BUT, and I do repeat BUT, IF YOU DO HAPPEN TO BECOME BLACK FOR A FEW DAYS, DON'T THINK THAT' THAT'S A FREE TICKET TO USE THE "N" WORD ALL WILLY NILLY, like Bruno did. Everybody doesn't use that word, no need for you to. You're not gonng be found out and seem less black if you don't use it. It's not a requirement of being black to use the word.

So..........what are your thoughts?

Monday, February 13, 2006

Sooooooooo........where do I begin?

I've been keeping up with my daily job search, nothing spectacular....until today.

Remember the job I told you about where the ND said I was one of the final candidates? Well, never heard anything after November, but there's another reporter opening now that was posted today. Soooo....needless to say, I sent an email to him, reminding him who I am and all that jazz, and since I didn't have an envelope and didn't have time to get one today, I'll be sending my tape tomorrow morning.

I would definitely call him....except for the fact that it's the 2nd week (I think, well let's just say in the middle) of sweeps, and everybody is busy, so if I were to hear anything at all, from anyone, I wouldn't expect to hear anything until the 2nd week of March.

And of course, I told my father about it, and he chewed me out as usual, telling me I should've called and kept bugging the guy. I will this time around I guess.

In non-job searching news...
My station did a story on a dry cleaners that was closed b/c the landlord wanted to "repossess" the space, I guess b/c the owners didn't pay. Therefore, several people were not able to get their clothes, and the landlord was angry that customers called him, so he upped the amount of money the owners had to pay. Also, needless to say... after the story aired the first time, and by the time the reporter was doing the second version in the 6pm show, the cleaners was open and there was a sign saying when people were going to be able to get their clothes.

My point? I was thisclose to taking my clothes to that cleaners just 3 days ago. But, for whatever reason, I didn't. God works in mysterious ways!!
Sooooooooo........where do I begin?

I've been keeping up with my daily job search, nothing spectacular....until today.

Remember the job I told you about where the ND said I was one of the final candidates? Well, never heard anything after November, but there's another reporter opening now that was posted today. Soooo....needless to say, I sent an email to him, reminding him who I am and all that jazz, and since I didn't have an envelope and didn't have time to get one today, I'll be sending my tape tomorrow morning.

I would definitely call him....except for the fact that it's the 2nd week (I think, well let's just say in the middle) of sweeps, and everybody is busy, so if I were to hear anything at all, from anyone, I wouldn't expect to hear anything until the 2nd week of March.

And of course, I told my father about it, and he chewed me out as usual, telling me I should've called and kept bugging the guy. I will this time around I guess.

In non-job searching news...
My station did a story on a dry cleaners that was closed b/c the landlord wanted to "repossess" the space, I guess b/c the owners didn't pay. Therefore, several people were not able to get their clothes, and the landlord was angry that customers called him, so he upped the amount of money the owners had to pay. Also, needless to say... after the story aired the first time, and by the time the reporter was doing the second version in the 6pm show, the cleaners was open and there was a sign saying when people were going to be able to get their clothes.

My point? I was thisclose to taking my clothes to that cleaners just 3 days ago. But, for whatever reason, I didn't. God works in mysterious ways!!

Monday, February 06, 2006

I know it's been a while, but not much has been going on. Since my last post, I found out that my employer is closing down the 2nd bureau, so all of those people will be coming up here. So there's some construction going on, and some rearranging, but I don't know that they're actually adding/expanding anything. So it's gonna be a tight squeeze for a while.

My mom just recently started assisting the Assistant Pastor at a church about an hour and a half away and is planning to move their in May. I'm probably going to end up moving there too, if I don't get a job somewhere else. So I've really been trying to get a job there. And so last week, the church came to my church, and the co-pastor of that church spoke. Afterwards, I met a few of the people my mom would be working with, and one of the ladies said her cousin worked at one of the stations I applied at, so she would call him for me. Cool beans!!!

I finally sent out some more tapes again. I sent out 5 last Tuesday and 8 on Friday. I sent an email to a reporter that I have met and asked for advice, letting her know that I was sending a tape and that I was actually going to be in town. But of course, as my luck would have it, she shoots an email back and says they've pretty much already hired someone. So that only leaves one opening in that city, and it's not even in that city, it's at their other bureau. So, I went to a conference my mom's new church was having, and officially met the co-pastor yesterday. She told me that I should also try another station in town (they don't have any openings right now) and that she would pray for me. So, we'll see what happens.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Your Blogging Type Is Thoughtful and Considerate
You're a well liked, though underrated, blogger.You have a heart of gold, and are likely to blog for a cause.You're a peaceful blogger - no drama for you!A good listener and friend, you tend to leave thoughtful comments for others.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

So, you know how you get one of those messages from some random person, telling you about some project/webpage/song/book/whatever they're working on and they want you to take a look at/buy/spread the word about it? Well I got one of those recently, and I had nothing better to do so I went to the website. And his work is really really good, so, I promised him I would spread the word about his photography.

, his artwork is very beautiful, I just don't have the extra money to buy a calendar right now. He's based out of Chicago (or at least he's from there), but apparently is doing a lot of stuff all over the place.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I hate to be posting about this again, and so soon, but I was just informed about 30 minutes ago my paternal grandfather passed away. I wasn't very close to him, I only remember meeting him a couple of years ago, and saw him again in September 2004, and he didn't really comprehend who I was. Sometimes it would even take a while for him to realize who my dad actually was. But my dad is taking it hard, so if you're the praying kind, please pray for my family. If you've been reading, I lost my great aunt in December, another great aunt (my grandfather's sister in law) in February of 2005, and before that, I lost my great uncle on the day I filled out the paperwork for my current job in September 2004. It seems, even with celebrities, we're losing people so fast; Shelley Winters passed this past weekend. We've lost Richard Pryor, Lou Rawls, Rosa Parks, Neil Strawser, and John Spencer within the last 2 months or so. I don't know what this means....but I'm thinking it's time for us to step up and be somebody, like these people did, and do something with our lives.
So if you haven't figured it out by now, my life is pretty boring. I've done the "too much information over the internet" thing and sometimes it can backfire, so it's pretty much gonna stay that way. But I will update you on my job search.

I saw a post on Monday for another job I've already applied for, and sent another tape yesterday. Now unfortunately, well kinda fortunately, one of my former classmates got the job in September. So I've been talking to her off and on, seeing how she's doing and whatnot, and asked her about the position. Now this is the second time someone has semi-discouraged me from applying for a job...not that I think either one of them did it to keep me from being more competition. But, this time, she told me it's a one-man-band and it's not in the main bureau, and so there won't be anyone there to really mentor me and guide me through my first on-air job. But, I'm getting to the point where any job will do, and plus it's in a city that's close to more of my family that I don't get to see often, so, we'll see. Until then, I still have about 52 tapes to send out, and I'm sure they're not all going to get sent out this month. Thank God closing dates are usually a month or more after the posting date.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Okay, so I did something I wasn't expecting to do today. I joined a gym. I had to face facts and realize that just b/c some non-skinny minnies were able to get on-air jobs, not all are. But the reason I joined this gym, is even though it may be a little bit higher than other gyms, the personal trainers are free. And so now I'm paying 1/6 of what I was paying a for a personal trainer, and I'm getting the exact same thing, plus more. They have this neat Infrared sauna, that penetrates beneath the skin and detoxifies and 30 minutes can burn 600-800 calories!
So we'll see how I'm doing in a month or so.

Friday, January 06, 2006

For some reason, posts aren't showing up correctly, if at all, so I'm having to repost this

Oh, and I need some opinions.

I applied for a job in September. I actually set up an interview through an anchor at the station, and drove 6 hours down there to talk to the ND for a ll of 20, maybe 30 minutes, and drove back home. Now before I got there, he wanted me to call and let him know when he was coming and all that good stuff. There's another position open now, and I've been informed that the staff can't look at tapes/set up interviews, etc. But the ad says again, "no phone calls please." Should I call, and set up another interview, since I've talked to him before? Or just wait and see if he likes my tape enough to call?

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Oh by the way

HOOK 'EM HORNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!
I may not be an actualy UT alum (way too many people applying there), but I will forever root for UT, in both football and basketball.
My First

For the virgin eyes, it's not what you think. Today was a not so good day, but something that happened in the middle of the day made me feel good. I did my first story of the year, about how to keep your 2006 resolutions to get healthy. And one of the healthy things that was mentioned was getting a massage. So I tell the producer/photog we should go to a massage school. I was at the most expecting to do my stand up outside, maaaaybe ask a couple of questions of an instructor. Well, I got to do that, plus the students took time out to demonstrate a swedish massage for us on-camera. And during that time, the director of the school asked about the channel we're on, and said that she watches it, and she recognized me from it. Awwwwwww!!!!!! I felt soooo special. Hence, my first time being recognized. This is only the beginning I guess.

But. First thing this morning, said producer/photog told me of a person I interned with Summer 2004, and saw ocassionally up at City Cable. This person graduated in December, and ALREADY HAS A JOB! Granted, she'll only be making $7.20/hr, she still has a job! This is so frustrating!

Plus, I had to redo my resume tape today, and decided to put the story I did today on there. And to make it easier for myself (or so I thought), I wanted to transfer the resume tape I already had, and just insert today's story. Well, this little change took over an hour. And after spending at least 30 minutes just trying to get the right version transferred, I then had to think about how I wanted to edit my story again. But it turned out okay I suppose. I'm satisfied with it for now, and whenever I get some money (another thing already wrong with 2006), at least 50 tapes will be going out ASAP; about 5 definitely need to go out muy ASAP. Anyone know of any on-air job openings?
For some reason I kept getting an error the last time I tried to post this, so I'm trying again. Enjoy!

Yet another fun "all about you" exercise borrowed from a friend. I might change some questions though, if they're a little too personal.

1) Was 2005 a good year for you?
I think it was okay. Could've been better, could've been worse.

2) What was your favorite moment of the year?
Graduating from college

3) What was your least favorite moment of the year?
The first day at the regional NABJ conference.

4) Where were you when 2005 began?
I was at a party

5) Who were you with?
My best friend and other friends

6) Where were when 2005 ended?
I was in Louisiana

7) Who were you with when 2005 ended?
My sweetheart

8) Did you keep your new years resolution of 2005?
I don't even remember them.

9) Do you have a new year’s resolution for 2006?
Yeah, to stop procrastinating and watch my health.

10) Did you fall in love in 2005?

11) Did you breakup with anyone in 2005?

12) Did you make any new friends in 2005?
Uhhhhhh I don't think so.

13) Who are your favorite new friends?
Don't have any new friends

14) What was your favorite month of 2005?

15) Did you travel outside of the US in 2005?
Yep, to the Bahamas!!!

16) How many different states have you traveled in 2005?
Ummmm, Louisiana, Georgia, California, Florida.

17) Did you lose anybody close to you in 2005?
Yes, my great aunt, on December 12. She was like a second mother to me, and I spent at least half of my childhood with her. Rest in peace Mrs. Lucyle Thompson Lee, I love you dearly, we'll miss you. Till we meet again.

18) Did you miss anybody in the past year?
My sweetheart, my dad, my paternal grandmother

19) What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2005?
The only movie I had the chance to see, I think, was Batman Begins.

20) How many people did you sleep with in 2005?
This one's defnintely not getting answered.

21) Did you do anything you are ashamed of this year?
Procrastinating when I should've been getting a good tape together before I graduate.

22) What was the biggest lie you told in 2005?
Not answering this one either.

23) What was the worst lie someone told you in 2005?
I'm not even sure. I'm around pretty honest people.

24) Did you treat somebody badly in 2005?

25) Did somebody treat you badly in 2005?
It wasn't exactly bad, it just wasn't what I wanted from them, but it was how they treated me during our entire friendship anyway.