Monday, June 18, 2007

Monthly update?

Ok, I said I would post more than once a month, but so far, that's been a bust. Some stuff has happened since my last post. In fact, a week after my last post, I finally did my first story. That aired. On a real tv station. I was happy, and told any and everybody. And only 2 days before I was wondering if I would EVER get to do a story.

The day after that, I get a note that the man that hosts the show before mine had a heart attack. So I ended up doing an hour and a half show for almost a month. It's hard enough to do a good show, find some good stories for the morning. But with an hour and a half, I basically used everything I could find, and then some. Gave the weatherman all the time he wanted, and let them banter.
My ex is kinda back in my life. He im's me everyday, telling me about his business, and how he wants to date but doesn't want to date. And then had the nerve to say we might end up getting back together one day. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm if I have anything to do with it, it's not happening. Sorry if you're reading this.

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