Thursday, April 27, 2006

I really meant to post this as soon as I got home yesterday, but I kinda sorta semi took a nap. And then I had dinner and went to bible study. So, no time hyesterday.

I wanted to leave at 7:30 yesterday morning, I ended up leaving at 7:45, thinking that should still be enough time for me to get through traffic and actually find the place. It used to be there wasn't any traffic until 8 o'clock. But then again, that was about a year ago, so every way I tried to go to get away from traffic, there ended up being more than I expected.

And so I'm driving along, and my Yahoo map directions were pretty accurate, until I get into the city. I'm looking for a certain highway, I never see that sign, but I see the street after that highway, but the exit was closed anyway. So I'm thinking it will be past that, and I'm going, and going, and going, and not seeing anything that's in my directions. So of course, I forgot to get the number to the station before I left, and that free 411 number wasn't working for some reason, and I had to call the regular 411 (which is a frickin $1.50) and get the number. The operator tells me I need to turn around, and take some highway. My cell phone, just about the greatest invention ever **rolls eyes** is cutting out, but I think I heard her okay.

And so I see a highway that's a number off from what I thought she said, but I think, well maybe that's what she actually said, since it was cutting out. So I exit, make the right she told me to make, and I'm driving, and driving and driving and don't see anything she talked about. So I called back, and, the market I went to wasn't very big, but for whatever reason, she said she had no clue where I was (even though the place is 6 miles away from the station And granted I don't know about every single place in the metroplex, well actually I think I do, at least anyplace someone wants to go, I could at least tell them what to look for).

But anyway when I called back the 2nd time, she said she didn't know where I was, and she would transfer me to someone who could help me. And it's taking a long time, so I hit my speakerphone button and of course during that time the person finally answered. And I didn't realize it was the person I was meeting until he asked who I was and said oh hi. So he couldn't really help me either, or didn't have time to, and said he would transfer me back to the operator, and don't worry about being late. Wellllllll somewhere in there, I got disconnected. So I called back, and she was like, "all I can tell you is he said to take Loop so and so and that'll take you to our street." So eventually find that, and I eventually find the station, and I'm only 6 minutes late.

Now. I'm actually at the station. Looking around, watching a little tv, and then the ND comes out and shows me a little bit of the station before we go to his office. The interview went pretty much like the other interviews I've had, except I've never had a ND ask me how good the program was at the university I went to (I think I did have one ask me how well I thought it prepared me, actually now that I think about it, I think it was for a non-broadcast news job). He tells me about the market and the station, I ask him my questions, I met one of the newest reporters, got the rest of the tour and we were back at the front of the station.

He was showing me the easiest way to get back to the highway, and for some reason I started coughing really bad, my eyes were watering again (Idk what it is about my eyes, but they always water during an interview, whether I'm doing the interview or someone's interviewing me) and I couldn't even talk at this point. And he was like "oh that's okay you're all choked up about your adventure getting here). But overall, it was the best interview I have had so far, it's the first one I've felt somewhat comfortable in. But I think it's because of all the research and preparation I've done, and the fact that I've been networking and talking to this ND off and on for about a year now.

So he told me if I didn't hear from him by next Wednesday, to give him a call. So I'll have another update then.

Have a good rest of the week homey g's!!!!

1 comment:

The_Practitioner said...

With mapquest, it's either feast or famine.

Good luck with the gig search. I'm hoping to see you on TV soon oneday. ;o)