Monday, November 13, 2006

Top Pet Peeves

Someone that I had the unfortunate luck of spending time with over the weekend prompted this post. This person embodies a lot of my pet peeves, and I'm not sure why I haven't shed them from my life, except for the fact that the relationship that I have with this person isn't just personal, it's business as well. So if you ever meet me, ever want to get to know me or befriend me, or even more than that, you'll know what NOT to do. And I had to add another one, b/c I saw it today, and it grosses me out. To the list!!

11. People who sing the wrong words to a song. (I know this is very petty, but it's SO annoying to hear people belt out the wrong words, or worse, mumble through a verse)

10. People playing in my hair. Yes I know it's beautiful and all that, but it's not necessary to touch it. I know plenty of people that have much more interesting hair than I do. And actually, I only allow certain people to run their fingers through my hair, and that's ONLY when I ask them to do it.

9. People who put their foot/feet up on the dashboard, or out the window. Or worse, have their bare feet up there. I thought it was only a certain race that did that, but then when I saw others doing that, I was too through.

8. People who attempt to give me advice on something, knowing they don't have any type of proof of expertise in it, or have less experience than I do (although, we all learn at different stages, but 2 people tried to do this, assuming I didn't already know).

7. People who give advice when it's not asked for.

6. No matter how much good you think you're doing by being completely honest, there are just some things you should just keep to yourself. (i.e. commenting on someone's weight, constantly talking about who is more attractive than the person you're making the comment to)

5. People who text message me just saying "Hi," or "Hey." I hate that. Luckily I don't have to pay for incoming text messages, but you're wasting my battery and time opening my phone to read that message.

4. Chewing with your mouth open.

3. People who take advantage of other people. For example, if I'm being generous and driving you somewhere, don't take advantage of that. Don't ask me to take you somewhere else when you KNOW I have to be somewhere else.

2. People who push the issue. Don't bring something up every other day, or worse, every day, when I told you no from the beginning. If you think it's something important, and it's not a pressing matter, we can revisit the issue in a few months, depending on our friendship.

1. Being a nuisance. Please do not call me every single day, ESPECIALLY, if I saw you within the last 12 hours, and then attempt to talk for an hour about absolutely NOTHING. And don't call me an hour or 2 before I'm supposed to see you. I know you're not calling about anything important, and whatever it is you are calling me about can be discussed when I see you in a couple of hours.

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