Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Good ol' days

Remember the days when you had tons of friends, no problems and the only time someone gotg mad at you it was something trivial and then you were friends again by 6th period? I miss those days.

Some of my good friends are all across the country now. Being real adults, impacting lives. I'm proud to know a lot of the people I know (especially the young ones that are makin moves) and being responsible adults. One day I'll get there, LOL.

But anywho. This was just something on my mind. Looking at a former friend's MySpace page, and remembering the good old days (not to mention the fact I still have a crush on her cousin).


But did you also ever have one of those days where you're cleaning up, going through stuff to figure out what to keep and what to throw out, and you find some interesting writings or pictures? Well this happened to me a couple of days ago.

I guess I was on some type of energy high, even though I hadn't slept but 3 hours, trying to get this tape together to send out, and I was cleaning everything I could find. So I went through some drawers, and found some papers I wrote about 4 years ago, for an english class. I didn't even remember why I wrote them, what could've possibly been the purpose of the papers, but they were interesting. One was about a weekend a few years ago, that made me not want to trust another guy, ever. But I moved on, and still had my heart broken by another.

But all things work together for good, as the Bible says. And it's all a part of His plan, so I just figure, why fight it, it's gonna happen anyway. You ever wonder why God puts us through some of the things He puts us through. You hear all of the euphemisms all the time from your pastor/favorite motivational speaker, "You have to go through the storm to get to the rainbow," "The bigger the problem, the bigger the blessing," or "The greater the struggle, the greater the deliverance," but sometimes it can be overwhelming. I know this is all very stream of consciousness, but I'm really just typing whatever comes to my mind, b/c it's rare when I talk about anything other than journalism. And I kinda wanted it that way. Too many people know too much about me, and I need to limit that.

But anywho, back to the theme for this post, the good ol days were when you didn't have problems. Cuz I got 99 problems and a dude ain't one (ok, not a specific dude, but the fact that there is no dude in my life, that's probably a problem too). But I'm sure once I get a few things in my life straight, other parts will start to fall in line.

I'm lookin forward to the better days that are coming.

1 comment:

Sherlon Christie said...

Interesting post