Monday, February 06, 2006

I know it's been a while, but not much has been going on. Since my last post, I found out that my employer is closing down the 2nd bureau, so all of those people will be coming up here. So there's some construction going on, and some rearranging, but I don't know that they're actually adding/expanding anything. So it's gonna be a tight squeeze for a while.

My mom just recently started assisting the Assistant Pastor at a church about an hour and a half away and is planning to move their in May. I'm probably going to end up moving there too, if I don't get a job somewhere else. So I've really been trying to get a job there. And so last week, the church came to my church, and the co-pastor of that church spoke. Afterwards, I met a few of the people my mom would be working with, and one of the ladies said her cousin worked at one of the stations I applied at, so she would call him for me. Cool beans!!!

I finally sent out some more tapes again. I sent out 5 last Tuesday and 8 on Friday. I sent an email to a reporter that I have met and asked for advice, letting her know that I was sending a tape and that I was actually going to be in town. But of course, as my luck would have it, she shoots an email back and says they've pretty much already hired someone. So that only leaves one opening in that city, and it's not even in that city, it's at their other bureau. So, I went to a conference my mom's new church was having, and officially met the co-pastor yesterday. She told me that I should also try another station in town (they don't have any openings right now) and that she would pray for me. So, we'll see what happens.

1 comment:

Sherlon Christie said...

getting that first TV gig is the hardest hustle around...stay positive.