Monday, November 13, 2006

It's been a long time...

So uhhh yeah.

It's been exactly a month since my last post. I know all 2 of you have felt lost without updates on my oh so glamorous life. But so many things have happened.

Gateway held my a/c adapter for my notebook hostage. I ordered it on the 20th, and up until this past Monday, no one knew where it was. Luckily, I got home Saturday night, and lo and behold, it had finally arrived. So, I'm trying to deal with that although it seems like my original adapter wasn't the problem, my notebook itself is, but we'll see.

My friend/co-worker gave herself a deadline to find a reporter job, and when that deadline passed, she decided to apply for producer jobs and within a couple of months she up and moved half way across the country. So, I too am getting frustrated and have started applying for producer jobs. I had an interview for a position last week, and it seemed to go okay. The ND sent me some info about interviewing with the station, and it said if I failed the current events quiz the interview would end immediately, and luckily, I was there for about another hour. I should know around Thanksgiving what the outcome was. But I am also considering applying for a job that another friend of mine is leaving. It pays very, very well, and I'll be utilizing and sharpening my skills, so if I don't get the producer job or a reporter job, I'll most likely assertively pursue that job.

Until next time, hopefully it won't be as long as a month later.


Sherlon Christie said...

You need to post more often and you'll get more visitors

journiemajor said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I barely have time to read, don't know when I'll have time to blog.