Oooh oooh ooh UPDATE!!!
Ok so remember how about a week ago, I talked about my mother's pastor telling me to try another station in town? Well at the time they didn't have an opening but of course, guess what? A job opening posted today. So, they're having a mini-revival type thing this week, but we're not going (that's too much drivin erry night) so we're not going back till Sunday. So I called the station to see if anyone would be there to take my tape (I'm tryin to save as much money as possible, and that $3.03 since ain't no joke) and the receptionist transfers me to the newsroom, and I end up talking to the weekend producer. He tells me that he'll be there and he'll be glad to put it in the ND's box! Yayyyy!
In non-job searching news...
I watched Oprah today, and I cannot wait to see this show that she talked about. I saw an article about it a while ago and posted it on one of my forums, but it's not debuting till next month. It's a reality show where a black family and a white family switch races. I wonder why F/X is the only one to pick it up (well idk if they're the only one, but other networks need to watch out, it's gonna be another BRAVO! surge)?
But anyway, the families talked about their experiences and I think it is so interesting that the way the white family thought. For whatever reason, the wife assumed that all black women used bitch in an affectionate way the same way some black people use the N word in an affectionate way. I've never used it that way, don't plan on it, I've never used either word in that way actually. And when Oprah talked about visiting one of her many celebrity friends, what she said is so true. Entertainers use it so much as a term of endearment, everybody else sees it that way and thinks it's ok to use it. When everybody doesn't use it and people of other races(okay I'll just go ahead and say it, caucasians) will never understand why it's so offensive because they've never been called a name that was used to demean them. Yeah you can go ahead and say that honky or cracker were used to demean caucasians, but it wasn't used while thousands of them were being whipped or dragged or killed by a black person.
The other thing that people will never understand is what Bruno didn't understand. He perceived caucasians treating him differently when he was black as that person having a bad day. I think his wife realized it when they went to the bar or whatever that was where they were the only "black" couple, but it's not exactly the same. When Bruno (as a black man) and Nick were walking down the street, people would cross the street and walk over to the other sidewalk. Bruno chose to see that as "oh they just want more room to walk." WTF? You're passing someone for a second, no need for you to cross the street and walk over to the other side unless you have a problem being anywhere near black people. Idk, do they think that something's gonna go down and they're gonna be caught in the crossfire?
But going back to the bar with the "black" Wurgels, even after all this woman said to offend everybody, she finally started to understand what black people face every single day of their lives. Idk about everyone else, but I think the feeling of not being wanted somewhere hurts. Granted, I most likely wouldn't be in a place like that, but if I ever did, I'd want to feel comfortable. We as Americans have a right to go anywhere in this country and feel comfortable, not looked at strangely (but if you're wearing some hideous outfit, yeah I'ma talk about you). But I'm not gonna downright be mean to you look at you crazy just because of your skin color.
And for those of ya'll that know, you know good and well sista girl wanted to work her neck and tell that man off that said that black people are proud of being dumb and segregate themselves from the whites when they move into a neighborhood that's predominantly white.
LOL, anyway, I guess that's all I have on my mind for now. Oh wait, my point after that long rant, I think it would be beneficial for this country if we all spent some time as another race. Spent some time feeling the hate and anger that they spew at others. BUT, and I do repeat BUT, IF YOU DO HAPPEN TO BECOME BLACK FOR A FEW DAYS, DON'T THINK THAT' THAT'S A FREE TICKET TO USE THE "N" WORD ALL WILLY NILLY, like Bruno did. Everybody doesn't use that word, no need for you to. You're not gonng be found out and seem less black if you don't use it. It's not a requirement of being black to use the word.
So..........what are your thoughts?
Thursday, February 16, 2006
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