Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Small Town Television....

...is very interesting. It's almost like anyone who's a journalist should minor, or double major in psychology. Because people call about the most idiotic things, the most trivial things, and because they are essentially your "customer" you have to pacify them.

I remember one of the first calls I got here, a lady complaining that the Lotto numbers didn't stay up on the screen long enough to check her numbers. Another guy called asking about a meeting, and ended up telling me about his lack of education and who wasn't helping him at the city and who was leaving him to practically live on the street. I have to do local birthdays, and people will TAKE YOUR HEAD OFF if you don't get their name, or their loved one's name on. ESPECIALLY, if they didn't call in time for you to get it on the air, they EXPECT you to get it on the next day. Annnnddd........I love how people call asking about commercials and infomercials that happen to air on our station, and EXPECT us to know the information from the infomercial. Honestly, had I ever watched the one I was asked about the other day at 4:10 in the AM, I could've given her the number. BUT, I don't watch infomercials, and TWO I was working. Don't have time to write down numbers. Anywho, this will never stop for me, as long as I'm in this business, so I'm learning to deal with it.

On a side note: It's interesting how I ended up ALL over in this story on a competing station's newscast.

Casual Proposals

Okay. For future reference, for my future husband, I'm going to need you be a little more dressed up than this guy when you propose. I could understand if we were at a baseball game or something, I could understand if we were at the park. But if you're going to be on tv, and you KNOW your hopefully soon-to-be fiance has to dress up and look nice for her job, you should be somewhat dressed up too, i.e. NO SHORTS. But he's not a bad looking guy. Congratulations Andrea!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Getting to know you.....

The male species can be SO frustrating. I just got off the phone with this dude who claims he likes me, but everytime I talk to him, he's always distracted or not listening or anything. And he said something kinda strange today about girls leaving relationships b/c they don't know what they want. They go in thinking they know what they want, and expect people to change, and he said people don't have time for you to think about what you want. And as I got sick of having to repeat everything I said b/c he was falling asleep on the phone, I thought, I don't have time to waste on somebody who can't stay awake and listen to me.

I'm at a frustrating, confusing and upsetting time in my life right now. I want to get married one day. Have kids one day. My profession already makes it hard to meet people and establish a relationship. But not being able to find anyone PERIOD to try and start the relationship is even more frustrating. It almost makes you wanna give up when you do meet that person you think could be right for you, but they don't feel the same way. Or worse, you don't even know how they feel, and you're too shy to figure them out, or even just ask. Maybe one day I'll get around to it.

On another note.......today is the birthday of the guy I had a crush on for forever and a day. He's still far away, as far as I know, still attatched, unfortunately. But whatever will be will be. I guess I'm just living this life till the Second Coming.

Until next time!!

Friday, July 20, 2007

For the love of Pete!!!!!!!!!!

So....I had been talking to this guy for a few weeks. Just talk, friendly stuff. I'm sure he could tell I was flirting, though. There was even a time that I thought I'd never speak to him again. I thought I was being overbearing and he was tired of me, and he didn't initiate any convo........................until.......this week. He invites me to an event his fraternity is having next month. I was geeked, psyched, over the moon. Not only did he talk to me again, but he INVITED me to an event. Once I got over the shock, I went back and read his impromptu invite, and he gave the date................and bam. OF COURSE it would be the SAME date as the ONE TIME I'd be OUT OF TOWN for my journalism conference. I told him so too. But told him to make sure to let me know about other stuff. Cuz I support the kids, you know?

But I also checked flights, just to see, if I changed mine, came back a day early. And it turned out to be $145 cheaper than what I've already paid. BUT..........I wouldn't get a refund AND I'd have to pay an EXTRA $100 to change my itinerary. So much for that. But I'm thinking of asking him if there's a make-up event I can go to (wink, wink).

So wish me luck!!!!


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Video Mode

Someone sent me a youtube link, so I started watching more. THESE ARE HILARIOUS.

If you know anything about Alexyss K. Tylor, you'll find this friggin hilarious.

"Fosse" Dancers "Walkin it Out"

Teletubbies "Walkin it Out"

The Wedding

I had forgotten all about this for a minute. EVERY man should be this happy to be getting married.

ETA: I just remembered I had posted this before, and when I went and looked, I posted it exactly 1 year and 2 days ago.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Consequences and Repercussions

You know, it's crazy how people don't think about the consequences and repercussions of their actions. We're the "Right Now" generation. We want everything right now, and want everyone else to worry about the results. Myself included, but not in the particular instance that sparked this post. My ex is getting all hot and bothered b/c of his best friend's ex/baby mama. Apparently in their state, whoever doesn't have full custody isn't required by the state to pay child support. UGGGh I wish! If I was ever in that situation, I'm glad I'm not in that state, and don't plan to be in that state. But everybody's all upset, and huffing and whining, when it ALLLLL could've been avoided by doing what, class? STAYING ABSTINENT. Don't do the deed if you don't plan to deal with the consequences and repercussions. ESPECIALLY if you don't know that the person you're dealing with is THE ONE.

So please, if you're reading this, and you don't know if you want to be a parent yet, or if you're not ready to be a parent yet, don't take the chance. Cuz I don't wanna hear you bitching and moaning. And I surely don't wanna hear your friends bitching and moaning for you

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Trapped in the Drive-Thru

Kinda long, but hilarious. Classic Weird Al. Based on R. Kelly's "Trapped in the Closet" series.