Thursday, November 30, 2006
The Good ol' days
Some of my good friends are all across the country now. Being real adults, impacting lives. I'm proud to know a lot of the people I know (especially the young ones that are makin moves) and being responsible adults. One day I'll get there, LOL.
But anywho. This was just something on my mind. Looking at a former friend's MySpace page, and remembering the good old days (not to mention the fact I still have a crush on her cousin).
But did you also ever have one of those days where you're cleaning up, going through stuff to figure out what to keep and what to throw out, and you find some interesting writings or pictures? Well this happened to me a couple of days ago.
I guess I was on some type of energy high, even though I hadn't slept but 3 hours, trying to get this tape together to send out, and I was cleaning everything I could find. So I went through some drawers, and found some papers I wrote about 4 years ago, for an english class. I didn't even remember why I wrote them, what could've possibly been the purpose of the papers, but they were interesting. One was about a weekend a few years ago, that made me not want to trust another guy, ever. But I moved on, and still had my heart broken by another.
But all things work together for good, as the Bible says. And it's all a part of His plan, so I just figure, why fight it, it's gonna happen anyway. You ever wonder why God puts us through some of the things He puts us through. You hear all of the euphemisms all the time from your pastor/favorite motivational speaker, "You have to go through the storm to get to the rainbow," "The bigger the problem, the bigger the blessing," or "The greater the struggle, the greater the deliverance," but sometimes it can be overwhelming. I know this is all very stream of consciousness, but I'm really just typing whatever comes to my mind, b/c it's rare when I talk about anything other than journalism. And I kinda wanted it that way. Too many people know too much about me, and I need to limit that.
But anywho, back to the theme for this post, the good ol days were when you didn't have problems. Cuz I got 99 problems and a dude ain't one (ok, not a specific dude, but the fact that there is no dude in my life, that's probably a problem too). But I'm sure once I get a few things in my life straight, other parts will start to fall in line.
I'm lookin forward to the better days that are coming.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Traffic is a witch, fool
Tres cosas sobre mi!!!!
Jacked this from a buddy
Three Names You Go By: Tiff, Tiff-Tiff, Babygirl
Three People You admire: Jesus, my parents, Melanie Martin
Three Parts of Your Heritage: Black, Native American and Caucasian
Three Things That Scare You: Very very bad turbulence (although I love fighting), huge snakes and guns.
Three of Your Everyday Essentials: Face moisturizer, chapstick (preferably Burt's Bees), and my cell phone
Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now: A shirt, pants and shoes
Three of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists: Lauryn Hill, Beyonce, BeBe and CeCe Winans
Three Things You Want in a Relationship: Honesty, Comedy a relationship with God.
Three Physical Things that attract you to the Opposite Sex: Their smile, Hair (doesn't matter if they're bald or whatever, but as long as whatever it is is kept neat, me likes!!!) and a nice, clean, masculine scent.
Three Non-Physical Things that attract you to the Opposite Sex: Sense of humor, ambition and intelligence.
Three of Your Favorite Hobbies: Reading, singing/dancing, chillin with my peeps.
Three Things You Want Really Badly Right Now: A full-time reporter job, to lose weight and to already be done editing my church's fashion show video.
Three Favorite T.V. Shows: ER, Dave Chappelle, Everybody Hates Chris.
Three People You Would Like to See Do This: whoever
Monday, November 13, 2006
Top Pet Peeves
11. People who sing the wrong words to a song. (I know this is very petty, but it's SO annoying to hear people belt out the wrong words, or worse, mumble through a verse)
10. People playing in my hair. Yes I know it's beautiful and all that, but it's not necessary to touch it. I know plenty of people that have much more interesting hair than I do. And actually, I only allow certain people to run their fingers through my hair, and that's ONLY when I ask them to do it.
9. People who put their foot/feet up on the dashboard, or out the window. Or worse, have their bare feet up there. I thought it was only a certain race that did that, but then when I saw others doing that, I was too through.
8. People who attempt to give me advice on something, knowing they don't have any type of proof of expertise in it, or have less experience than I do (although, we all learn at different stages, but 2 people tried to do this, assuming I didn't already know).
7. People who give advice when it's not asked for.
6. No matter how much good you think you're doing by being completely honest, there are just some things you should just keep to yourself. (i.e. commenting on someone's weight, constantly talking about who is more attractive than the person you're making the comment to)
5. People who text message me just saying "Hi," or "Hey." I hate that. Luckily I don't have to pay for incoming text messages, but you're wasting my battery and time opening my phone to read that message.
4. Chewing with your mouth open.
3. People who take advantage of other people. For example, if I'm being generous and driving you somewhere, don't take advantage of that. Don't ask me to take you somewhere else when you KNOW I have to be somewhere else.
2. People who push the issue. Don't bring something up every other day, or worse, every day, when I told you no from the beginning. If you think it's something important, and it's not a pressing matter, we can revisit the issue in a few months, depending on our friendship.
1. Being a nuisance. Please do not call me every single day, ESPECIALLY, if I saw you within the last 12 hours, and then attempt to talk for an hour about absolutely NOTHING. And don't call me an hour or 2 before I'm supposed to see you. I know you're not calling about anything important, and whatever it is you are calling me about can be discussed when I see you in a couple of hours.
It's been a long time...
It's been exactly a month since my last post. I know all 2 of you have felt lost without updates on my oh so glamorous life. But so many things have happened.
Gateway held my a/c adapter for my notebook hostage. I ordered it on the 20th, and up until this past Monday, no one knew where it was. Luckily, I got home Saturday night, and lo and behold, it had finally arrived. So, I'm trying to deal with that although it seems like my original adapter wasn't the problem, my notebook itself is, but we'll see.
My friend/co-worker gave herself a deadline to find a reporter job, and when that deadline passed, she decided to apply for producer jobs and within a couple of months she up and moved half way across the country. So, I too am getting frustrated and have started applying for producer jobs. I had an interview for a position last week, and it seemed to go okay. The ND sent me some info about interviewing with the station, and it said if I failed the current events quiz the interview would end immediately, and luckily, I was there for about another hour. I should know around Thanksgiving what the outcome was. But I am also considering applying for a job that another friend of mine is leaving. It pays very, very well, and I'll be utilizing and sharpening my skills, so if I don't get the producer job or a reporter job, I'll most likely assertively pursue that job.
Until next time, hopefully it won't be as long as a month later.